Marine aggregates industry interchange

...Marine Aggregates Producers Association (BMAPA), CEMEX UK Marine Ltd and Tarmac Marine Ltd. The team were warmly welcomed on-board the ‘Sand Falcon’ dredger at the Port of Jarrow in the...
...Marine Aggregates Producers Association (BMAPA), CEMEX UK Marine Ltd and Tarmac Marine Ltd. The team were warmly welcomed on-board the ‘Sand Falcon’ dredger at the Port of Jarrow in the...
Marine aggregates are an important resource for England and Wales, and there is a long history of marine aggregate extraction in our waters. to help people work out if they need a licence. Some may now also be able to apply, pay for and download their own licence using our new automated...
...on Sunderland City Council’s website and on the public register (search for 34686/100115/6). Marine aggregates and fisheries liaison Part of the MMO’s role is in managing and balancing competing uses...
Dr Shaun Nicholson, Head of Marine Licensing at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), explains more about the decision-making process for applications and how the public can have their say on proposed activities.
...New ways of working Government consent for the development was originally granted in September 2014. However a number of individual elements of its construction are covered by the MMO’s marine...
...Line cable car crossing, repairs to a wall at the Tower of London and installation of an Antony Gormley statue, Another Time, on the bank of the River Thames near...
...the River Thames for navigation, hydrodynamics, promoting the use of the river and for licensing works and dredging. Some of these responsibilities duplicate those of the MMO. However we've now...
As human activities in the marine area increase so does underwater noise. Understanding and mitigating the impact of this is an important part of the sustainable development of our seas and protecting the marine environment for future generations.
...dredging To carry out dredging to support their operations ports and harbours may require a marine licence from the MMO under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. They may...