UK Blue Belt - global ambitions for marine protection
UK Government representatives are attending an international congress in Chile to spread the word about ambitions to protect over 4 million sq km of marine environment around the world.
UK Government representatives are attending an international congress in Chile to spread the word about ambitions to protect over 4 million sq km of marine environment around the world.
Where to find information online about fishing activity in UK waters and by UK and EU fishing vessels and an explanation of the rules around foreign ownership of UK fishing vessels.
We’ve updated the online application system for marine licences. The changes may help people to work out whether they need consent from the MMO for their activities and in some...
The recent round of engagement as part of the development of the North West, North East, South West and South East marine plans was concluded on 31 March 2017.
...vessel is fishing and sensors to detect when the fishing net is deployed. A picture of the REM system’s output is below. These schemes are voluntary and it is only...
...working with our stakeholders and on the construction of new bridges and laying of undersea cables: Subsea electricity cable On 27 January we issued a marine licence for a subsea...
The European Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF) is funding six groups to deliver community led local development in England. These Fisheries Local Action Groups, FLAGs, will use the knowledge of local stakeholders to tackle fisheries issues at a local level. …
In our final blog post before Christmas 2016 we take a look at back at our most popular digital content from the past year. We also share some information you might find useful over the festive period.
The BBC’s Planet Earth II has been an outstanding television series, perfectly illustrating the dialectic relationship we have with nature, and helping to re-engage many in the debate on how we protect our wildlife whilst supporting a growing economy, providing …
The MMO is one of a number of Government organisations involved in Project Kraken – conducting intelligence-led enforcement activities in the marine area.
News and updates about the work of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and its partners in enabling sustainable growth in seas around England. Marine industries are estimated to contribute around £49.4 billion a year to the UK economy.
Our about us page explains the MMO's work in more detail.