Delivering the Blue Belt Programme on Ascension Island
...use the skills, knowledge and experience I’ve acquired in the MMO to make a positive contribution to towards this. You recently return from Ascension Island, what was the aim of...
...use the skills, knowledge and experience I’ve acquired in the MMO to make a positive contribution to towards this. You recently return from Ascension Island, what was the aim of...
Learn more about the work of the MMO our monthly round-up: in March 2018 fisheries and exiting the EU made headline news, we explained our marine licensing remit and our work to protect the oceans around UK Overseas Territories was discussed by the Secretary of State.
The MMO presented an update on our marine wildlife crime enforcement work at the annual Wildlife Crime Enforcers Conference.
The MMO will work with the Environment Agency and Natural England to provide an efficient, consistent service that supports sustainable growth in the Tees Estuary.
As a Marine Planner I am also passionate about our marine environment and recently volunteered in the launch of a new initiative which aims to clean up and protect the coastal habitats in Torbay, Devon.
Managing Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing As part of the Blue Belt programme the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science (Cefas) are working in partnership
“ ?Naughty people - put it in the bin ?"
UK Government representatives are attending an international congress in Chile to spread the word about ambitions to protect over 4 million sq km of marine environment around the world.
Last week the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) was proud to take part in the brilliant Great British Spring Clean.
In our final blog post before Christmas 2016 we take a look at back at our most popular digital content from the past year. We also share some information you might find useful over the festive period.