New Blue Belt research survey

...for determining the health and status of the commercial stocks. The scientists on James Clark Ross used a mid-water trawl net that opens and closes at different depths. This allowed...
...for determining the health and status of the commercial stocks. The scientists on James Clark Ross used a mid-water trawl net that opens and closes at different depths. This allowed...
Ed Baker, quota manager for the MMO, discusses how meeting with groups of fishermen around the coast informs decisions on monthly catch limits for the under-10m fishing fleet and over-10m vessels that are not part of a producer organisation.
Hi, I am Dr Emily Hardman. I’m an “Integrated Marine Management Manager” for the Blue Belt Programme. It’s my role to help develop, deliver and support an Integrated Marine Management...
...also worked closely with a number of charities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), to help facilitate scientific expeditions. British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory is home to one... carry out sustainable marine aggregate extraction in English waters BMAPA and The Crown Estate have jointly published a new good practice guide. Good Practice Guidance: Extraction by Dredging of...
The MMO will work with the Environment Agency and Natural England to provide an efficient, consistent service that supports sustainable growth in the Tees Estuary.
...makers exploring the town and local residents out on a stroll. A pod of dolphins that appeared in the harbour initially stole the public’s attention; eventually it moved on, spooked...
...monitoring and surveillance of these marine protected areas is therefore critical to their success. The Blue Belt programme is working with a number of technology partners to help deliver this...
I am the Director of Marine Licensing and have been with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for 6 months.
In the fourth of our series of EMFF Focus On’s we look at Seafish and the funding supplied to provide safety training to new and commercial fishermen in England.