Blueprint for more streamlined regulation in the Thames
The MMO is working with the Port of London Authority to limit duplication for businesses seeking to carry out development in the Thames.
The MMO is working with the Port of London Authority to limit duplication for businesses seeking to carry out development in the Thames.
As human activities in the marine area increase so does underwater noise. Understanding and mitigating the impact of this is an important part of the sustainable development of our seas and protecting the marine environment for future generations.
As part of our marine licensing remit we regulate activities removing items or substances from the seabed. This covers a wide range of things including the production of aggregates for use in construction, dredging for navigation and more unusually unexploded …
Matthew Kinmond, Marine Licensing Manager for aggregate dredging at the MMO, provides an insight into marine licensing and encouraging students to consider a career in marine development and dredging.
Susan Kidd, Marine Planning Manager at The Crown Estate, looks at a new MMO report on the beneficial use of dredged materials. It has long been acknowledged by industry groups, regulators and ourselves that the disposal of potentially valuable dredged …
A project which saw the installation of a new reef and art project off the Dorset coast in early August is an unusual example of the MMO's marine licensing remit.
...have certain powers under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to consent electricity generation from these renewable energy installations. One such application we’ve recently approved was from Seatricity Ltd....
Eleanor Stone, Marine Planning Officer for the Wildlife Trusts, discusses her recent visit to the MMO's offices in Newcastle. of United Utilities, a water company based in North West England, where the MMO also has two offices, in Whitehaven and Preston. Fylde peninsula, north west coast of England...
The Marine Management Organisation’s (MMO’s) work to improve regulation of marine development was recently put on display at parliamentary reception.