marine licensing
...the River Thames for navigation, hydrodynamics, promoting the use of the river and for licensing works and dredging. Some of these responsibilities duplicate those of the MMO. However we've now...
As human activities in the marine area increase so does underwater noise. Understanding and mitigating the impact of this is an important part of the sustainable development of our seas and protecting the marine environment for future generations.
...use in construction, dredging for navigation and more unusually unexploded war remnants. Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) are devices, such as bombs, which may still pose a risk of detonation. In March...
Matthew Kinmond, Marine Licensing Manager for aggregate dredging at the MMO, provides an insight into marine licensing and encouraging students to consider a career in marine development and dredging. At...
...create demand for material from capital dredging, as well as an apparent appetite for progress amongst industry and regulators. We feel well placed to play our part in increasing the...
A project which saw the installation of a new reef and art project off the Dorset coast in early August is an unusual example of the MMO's marine licensing remit.
...have certain powers under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to consent electricity generation from these renewable energy installations. One such application we’ve recently approved was from Seatricity Ltd....
Eleanor Stone, Marine Planning Officer for the Wildlife Trusts, discusses her recent visit to the MMO's offices in Newcastle. The Wildlife Trusts is the largest UK voluntary organisation dedicated to...
The MMO's work with water companies may make a cameo appearance on the BBC documentary series Watermen. Amy Wardlaw, marine licensing communications manager, explains. The 6-part Watermen series follows the...
...Wardlaw and Gill Stephenson of the MMO’s communications team attended, Amy explains more: The Better for Business event showcased the work of Defra agencies and non-departmental public bodies in providing...