External decision making and implementation mapping of marine plans
The MMO has published a new research report looking at how and where marine plans are being used in decision-making by public bodies.
The MMO has published a new research report looking at how and where marine plans are being used in decision-making by public bodies.
The MMO’s list of marine-based evidence requirements may provide a useful starting point for those seeking to take advantage of research funding opportunities.
Today sees the publication of our annual report on UK sea fisheries.
Marine aggregates are an important resource for England and Wales, and there is a long history of marine aggregate extraction in our waters.
Guy Ellis is part of an MMO team of 3 statisticians, providing analysis and advice to quota managers, industry and policy makers.
Dr Shaun Nicholson, Head of Marine Licensing at the Marine Management Organisation (MMO), explains more about the decision-making process for applications and how the public can have their say on proposed activities.
Over the last two weeks we have been visiting all four corners of England’s coast, launching the start of marine planning for the north east, south east, south west and north west marine plan areas.
In April its two years since the East Marine Plan was published.
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) announce collaboration with the Natural Environmental Research Council (NERC).