...cost recovering on our advice to developers. We are working alongside industry on how we support them with pre-application advice and more information will be available in the coming year....
...and gravels for construction (aggregate dredging) to remove material to clear outfalls (clearance dredging) There has been increased interest in navigational dredging as the UK prepares to leave the EU,...
...was ordered to pay over £22,000 for offences relating to pollock. involving illegally caught bass and an East Sussex fisherman received a fine of £4,699 plus £3,200 costs for illegal...
...video on social media reminding people that our consultation on these products closed on 29 March. Blue Belt Dr Emily Hardman, Integrated Marine Management Manager for the Blue Belt programme,...
...bass in 2018, for both recreational and commercial fishermen. Commercial fishing for bass in any restricted area is prohibited during February and March 2018. We answered some more common questions...
This month saw good news for one of our Board Members and we also welcomed a new recruit. Representatives for the Blue Belt programme visited UK Overseas Territories and the...
...obtains permission from the MMO in the form of a marine licence they may still need to separately apply for consent from other parts of Government. A marine licence does...
...to carry out sustainable marine aggregate extraction in English waters BMAPA and The Crown Estate have jointly published a new good practice guide. Good Practice Guidance: Extraction by Dredging of...
The MMO will work with the Environment Agency and Natural England to provide an efficient, consistent service that supports sustainable growth in the Tees Estuary.
I am the Director of Marine Licensing and have been with the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) for 6 months.