Andy Deary, Head of Compliance and Enforcement for the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme discusses the challenges of effectively monitoring large scale Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in remote areas like the UK Overseas Territories.
The Wave Dancer, a fisheries patrol boat from Tristan da Cunha, has been transported to the UK for refurbishment as part of the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme. promote guidance on marine wildlife watching. Some of our marine officers spotted a pod of dolphins while patrolling the Lyme Bay area with Devon and Severn IFCA. Seals and...
...into in the wider Atlantic tuna management from ICCAT. Together with my colleagues, I also undertake annual underwater habitat and abundance surveys, monitoring both fish and invertebrates at specific sites...
As part of our series of articles about our Blue Belt partnership with the St Helena Government we learn more about Martin Cranfield, marine conservation worker.
Alison Small, Pelagic Project Officer for the Marine Section of St Helena Government explains her work and involvement with the UK Government’s Blue Belt programme.
The first in a series of articles on the work of the St Helena Government in support of the Blue Belt programme. Rhys Hobbs, Marine Conservation Officer, discusses his work.
...for determining the health and status of the commercial stocks. The scientists on James Clark Ross used a mid-water trawl net that opens and closes at different depths. This allowed...
...sharing best practice on fisheries enforcement, the primary aim was to trial the use of the National Maritime Information Centre (NMIC) to support a live operation, through the provision of... on social media reminding people that our consultation on these products closed on 29 March. Blue Belt Dr Emily Hardman, Integrated Marine Management Manager for the Blue Belt programme,...