Blue Belt
Simeon Archer-Rand, Habitat Mapping and Human Activities Team Leader for the UK Government's Blue Belt Programme, tells us about the impact of marine litter on Henderson Island and how work is being done with other organisations to try and tackle the problem.
A Blue Belt tuna tagging programme is taking place in St Helena as part of a wider project tagging 120,000 tropical tuna species from across the Atlantic.
Dan Ward, Compliance & Enforcement Manager on the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) Blue Belt team tells us about tackling illegal fishing around St Helena.
Andy Deary, Head of Compliance and Enforcement for the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme discusses the challenges of effectively monitoring large scale Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) in remote areas like the UK Overseas Territories.
New technologies being trialed in Blue Belt Programme.
The Blue Belt Discovery Expeditions will visit three UK Overseas Territories between February and April.
The Wave Dancer, a fisheries patrol boat from Tristan da Cunha, has been transported to the UK for refurbishment as part of the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme.
Integrated Marine Management Manager, Dr Emily Hardman, provides us with an insight into one of the smallest populated UK Overseas Territories, Pitcairn Island.
Here is the latest update on the work that the Blue Belt Programme are undertaking with our partners on Ascension Island.
...into in the wider Atlantic tuna management from ICCAT. Together with my colleagues, I also undertake annual underwater habitat and abundance surveys, monitoring both fish and invertebrates at specific sites...