Statistics show where UK vessels fish and what is landed from our waters EEZ of capture and the spatial factors used to assign landings between EEZs are available for download should you wish to look in more detail at these statistics. We... EEZ of capture and the spatial factors used to assign landings between EEZs are available for download should you wish to look in more detail at these statistics. We...
Since the UK voted to leave the EU the proportion of questions the MMO receives from the public and media about commercial fishing has increased. We previously committed to making...
...quantities for a stock are shared between the countries involved. This can involve both EU and non-EU countries depending on the stock (e.g., TACs for fish stocks such as North...
...on the health of key stocks is also included. Information is presented in numerous tables, charts and maps. Detailed datasets of fish landings are also available for download. So if...
Where to find information online about fishing activity in UK waters and by UK and EU fishing vessels and an explanation of the rules around foreign ownership of UK fishing vessels.
Guy Ellis is part of an MMO team of 3 statisticians, providing analysis and advice to quota managers, industry and policy makers.
On the day the MMO publish their Annual Sea Fisheries Statistics, Lisa Richardson (MMO, Senior Statistical Officer) tells us a little about the work that goes into preparing the statistics.