Today the Marine Management Organisation has published analysis showing where fish were caught before being landed. This includes activity by UK vessels and other EU Member States’ vessels in North East Atlantic waters.
Since the UK voted to leave the EU the proportion of questions the MMO receives from the public and media about commercial fishing has increased.
How the process of setting quota limits for the amount of fish UK vessels can catch currently works.
Today sees the publication of our annual report on UK sea fisheries.
Where to find information online about fishing activity in UK waters and by UK and EU fishing vessels and an explanation of the rules around foreign ownership of UK fishing vessels.
Guy Ellis is part of an MMO team of 3 statisticians, providing analysis and advice to quota managers, industry and policy makers.
On the day the MMO publish their Annual Sea Fisheries Statistics, Lisa Richardson (MMO, Senior Statistical Officer) tells us a little about the work that goes into preparing the statistics.