...video on social media reminding people that our consultation on these products closed on 29 March. Blue Belt Dr Emily Hardman, Integrated Marine Management Manager for the Blue Belt programme,...
We're halfway through our iteration 2 consultation workshops for Marine Planning. Find out what happened in the North West and South East and what is still to come for the South West and North East.
...bass in 2018, for both recreational and commercial fishermen. Commercial fishing for bass in any restricted area is prohibited during February and March 2018. We answered some more common questions...
This month saw good news for one of our Board Members and we also welcomed a new recruit. Representatives for the Blue Belt programme visited UK Overseas Territories and the...
...Marine Management Organisation (MMO) marine planning team tells us about the spring engagement that took place in our remaining Marine Plan areas. Time to talk The spring workshops were very...
...This unique event was created to honor and encourage the digital progress and achievements of organisations throughout the UK and to share best practice in digital transformation within the public...
The recent round of engagement as part of the development of the North West, North East, South West and South East marine plans was concluded on 31 March 2017.
This week the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) launched the consultation on the Draft South Marine Plans. The consultation will be open between 7 November 2016 and 27 January 2017. Stakeholders will be able to comment via the MMO’s Citizen Space …
...transparent decisions. It is also a requirement of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and, under EU law, must incorporate the requirements of the Strategic Environmental Assessment Directive. What...
...dredging To carry out dredging to support their operations ports and harbours may require a marine licence from the MMO under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009. They may...