Under Section 58 of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009, all public authorities making decisions that affect, or might affect, the UK marine area must consider the relevant marine plan. In response to this, between 12 November and 12 …
Strengthening Coastal Planning: Our Engagement with Local Planning Authorities in the South West Effective planning at the interface of marine and terrestrial environments requires collaboration and clear communication between decision-makers. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) works with local planning teams …
In May, we shared an update on fisheries data and mapping. We are pleased to announce that maps based on the approach and data mentioned in the previous post are now available on Explore Marine Plans, for UK and Crown …
The MMO have marine planners based around the English coast. Their role is to engage with you for the development, implementation, and monitoring of marine plans. You can find out who your local coastal planner is and their contact details …
Climate change is bad news for everyone, from the prospect of fewer and smaller fish in the sea to the communities that will be affected by coastal erosion and flooding. I don’t think there has ever been such awareness of …
...have any questions or would like to discuss any aspects of the report or marine planning, please contact the Marine Planning team at: Planning@marinemanagement.org.uk Don't forget to have your say...
Learn more about the work of the MMO our monthly round-up: in July 2018 we achieved a milestone for marine planning, experienced increased interest in watching marine wildlife and reported on our results for 2017/18.
A new Government framework has been launched for the South coast which will inform decision-making on what activities take place in the marine environment. It will guide where and how this is developed, protected and improved in future.
Update on marine planning engagement during the first quarter of 2018 during which we met 350 stakeholders face to face and received survey responses from over 1000.
...video on social media reminding people that our consultation on these products closed on 29 March. Blue Belt Dr Emily Hardman, Integrated Marine Management Manager for the Blue Belt programme,...