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What Cornwall’s whale sightings mean for our seas — and how to watch responsibly

Whale breaching credit @Adrian Langdon

This month, Cornwall’s coastline has become a hotspot for whale sightings. This includes humpback whales - large, beautiful and powerful wild animals that can range in length from 14–17 m (46–56 ft) and weigh up to 40 metric tons! These …

Studland Bay: Why you need a licence to search for seahorses

It was great to see coverage of the conservation efforts at Studland Bay on BBC’s Springwatch programme (episode 7) recently. The show, which aired on 7 June, highlighted the need to protect the area’s precious seagrass – home to protected …

From the most remote inhabited island on Earth to England (and back again): the Wave Dancer’s voyage to refurbishment

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A picture of the Wave Dancer aboard the RRS James Clark.

The Wave Dancer, a fisheries patrol boat from Tristan da Cunha, has been transported to the UK for refurbishment as part of the UK Government’s Blue Belt Programme.