Hi, I am Dr Emily Hardman. I’m an “Integrated Marine Management Manager” for the Blue Belt Programme. It’s my role to help develop, deliver and support an Integrated Marine Management...
Oliver Yates, Senior Marine Science Advisor in the Blue Belt team provides an update on his work with the Tristan da Cunha Fisheries and Conservation Departments and Island Administrator to support delivery of research to inform a marine protection strategy for the area.
...bass in 2018, for both recreational and commercial fishermen. Commercial fishing for bass in any restricted area is prohibited during February and March 2018. We answered some more common questions...
...we approached the island’s capital – “Edinburgh of the Seven Seas”. We therefore had to remain sheltered between islands for several days before we could disembark. Edinburgh of the Seven...
This month saw good news for one of our Board Members and we also welcomed a new recruit. Representatives for the Blue Belt programme visited UK Overseas Territories and the...
...also worked closely with a number of charities and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs), to help facilitate scientific expeditions. British Indian Ocean Territory The British Indian Ocean Territory is home to one...
...monitoring and surveillance of these marine protected areas is therefore critical to their success. The Blue Belt programme is working with a number of technology partners to help deliver this...
...slavery and smuggling. It robs legitimate fishermen and governments of revenue; undermines the accuracy of fisheries’ stock assessments and thwarts efforts to manage marine fisheries responsibly. It is also damaging...