Moving the MMO website to GOV.UK
Gill Stephenson, Head of Communications at the MMO, discusses moving the MMO website to GOV.UK.
Gill Stephenson, Head of Communications at the MMO, discusses moving the MMO website to GOV.UK.
Last week the South coast was buzzing with lively discussion at four workshops held in Eastbourne, Southampton, Weymouth and Exmouth which set out the vision and objectives of marine plans.
Publication of the MMO’s Seascape Assessment for the South inshore and offshore marine plan areas marks a major advance in bringing seascape effectively into the evidence base for marine plan...
Since we announced marine planning for the South in 2012, we’ve been gathering evidence and views to shape our Vision and Objectives.
...have certain powers under section 36 of the Electricity Act 1989 to consent electricity generation from these renewable energy installations. One such application we’ve recently approved was from Seatricity Ltd....
Eleanor Stone, Marine Planning Officer for the Wildlife Trusts, discusses her recent visit to the MMO's offices in Newcastle.
...the UK. The Coastal Concordat, mentioned in our recent post on presenting our work in Parliament, will also reduce red tape for industry and help reduce time from concept to...
The MMO's work with water companies may make a cameo appearance on the BBC documentary series Watermen. Amy Wardlaw, marine licensing communications manager, explains. The 6-part Watermen series follows the...
...Wardlaw and Gill Stephenson of the MMO’s communications team attended, Amy explains more: The Better for Business event showcased the work of Defra agencies and non-departmental public bodies in providing...
...being on the coast. I get to speak to a wide range of people, and am usually out and about explaining what marine planning means for local authority planners and...
News and updates about the work of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and its partners in enabling sustainable growth in seas around England. Marine industries are estimated to contribute around £49.4 billion a year to the UK economy.
Our about us page explains the MMO's work in more detail.