Next step in the journey to develop the North East, North West, South East and South West Marine Plans

An update on marine planning for England's seas.
An update on marine planning for England's seas.
Marine planning iteration 3 engagement open now!
Coastal Futures represents the task facing marine planning. Its delegates are passionate, informed and motivated – but also from a wide range of organisations dealing with and managing a wide...
Mel Nicholls, Senior Marine Planner, outlines the revisions It is important that people have opportunities to get involved in the preparation of marine plans for areas in which they live,...
Mel Nicholls, Senior Marine Planner, outlines the revisions We believe it is important that people have opportunities to input to the development of the marine plans for the areas in...
Mel Nicholls, Senior Marine Planner at the MMO, explains how consultation views are considered: The South Inshore and Offshore Marine Plans are currently being developed for the coast and seas from Folkestone to the River Dart in Devon. We recently …
News and updates about the work of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and its partners in enabling sustainable growth in seas around England. Marine industries are estimated to contribute around £49.4 billion a year to the UK economy.
Our about us page explains the MMO's work in more detail.