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Dan Cutler, Communications & Engagement Manager

What Cornwall’s whale sightings mean for our seas — and how to watch responsibly

Whale breaching credit @Adrian Langdon

This month, Cornwall’s coastline has become a hotspot for whale sightings. This includes humpback whales - large, beautiful and powerful wild animals that can range in length from 14–17 m (46–56 ft) and weigh up to 40 metric tons! These …

Help shape assessments to ensure harbour porpoise and marine birds are protected

Little tern flock in flight

Can you believe it’s a brand-new year already?  Only last month we launched our latest call for evidence on the impacts of fishing on five English offshore marine protected areas (MPAs). These are the ones designated to protect certain highly …

Scientific dispensation request granted for King Scallop fishing trial

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Scallop fishing

MMO has granted a scientific dispensation to MacDuff Shellfish Ltd to carry out a two day scallop fishing trial off the South East coast of England. The trial will take place in October 2023 and test the feasibility and potential …

Marine protected areas consultation and call for evidence closes tomorrow

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We want you to have your say on our proposals for managing fishing activities and protecting valuable marine habitats and species in England’s marine protected areas (MPAs). Our latest MPA consultation and call for evidence closes tomorrow night (Tuesday 28 …

Species spotlight - sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities

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This week we’re putting the spotlight on some of the interesting species found within our coastal waters and marine protected areas (MPAs). In particular, we’d like to share more information about sea-pen and burrowing megafauna communities, including what they are …

World Seagrass Day - Protecting our precious marine habitats together at Studland

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It’s World Seagrass Day and we’re eager to highlight the conservation work that’s underway to protect this vitally important habitat at Studland Bay in Dorset.  The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 1 March as World Seagrass Day. Their resolution …

Habitat focus – the importance of rocky and biogenic reefs

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Why do reefs need protection? Most people are unaware of the many vitally important habitats which lie offshore beneath the surface of English coastal waters. Rocky and biogenic reefs are two of these important habitats, which need our consideration and …

The MMO ramps up plans to further protect English marine sites

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We’ve launched the next stage in our ambitious project to manage all fishing activities and protect valuable marine habitats in England’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by 2024.  On 17 January 2023, we launched our Stage 2 formal consultation, to seek …