Focus on (EMFF) - Seafish
In the fourth of our series of EMFF Focus On’s we look at Seafish and the funding supplied to provide safety training to new and commercial fishermen in England.
In the fourth of our series of EMFF Focus On’s we look at Seafish and the funding supplied to provide safety training to new and commercial fishermen in England.
In the third of our series of EMFF focus on’s we look at Falfish Limited and the funding supplied to a project to add value to regional, seasonal fisheries.
In the second of our series of EMFF Focus On’s and to coincide with National Apprenticeship week 6 March 2017 we focus on Whitby and District Fishing Industry Training School.
News and updates about the work of the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) and its partners in enabling sustainable growth in seas around England. Marine industries are estimated to contribute around £49.4 billion a year to the UK economy.
Our about us page explains the MMO's work in more detail.