What is the Landing Obligation?

...discarded. Will bass be subject to Landing Obligation rules? Bass is not subject the Landing Obligation rules as it is not a quota species and is managed under a general...
...discarded. Will bass be subject to Landing Obligation rules? Bass is not subject the Landing Obligation rules as it is not a quota species and is managed under a general...
...of the seven other EU Member States' waters that the UK landed fish from the most valuable for the UK fleet were (avg. 2012 – 2016): Ireland (65,000 tonnes, £66...
Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing is estimated to cost over £8.5 billion a year globally. We work closely with EU Member States and third countries to help tackle this. Read more about our recent discussions in Vigo, Spain.
Since the UK voted to leave the EU the proportion of questions the MMO receives from the public and media about commercial fishing has increased. We previously committed to making...