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The MMO ramps up plans to further protect English marine sites

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We’ve launched the next stage in our ambitious project to manage all fishing activities and protect valuable marine habitats in England’s Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) by 2024.  On 17 January 2023, we launched our Stage 2 formal consultation, to seek …

Recycling commercial trawl nets from harbour to pellet in the UK

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Following on from my blog in 2018 regarding the initiation of Torbay Cleaner Coasts Initiative and our work to encourage the commercial Brixham fishing fleet to recycle their HDPE nets, I am pleased to say that there has been some …

Catching fishers’ view of the future of Channel non-pressure stocks

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In June MMO colleagues visited 21 ports stretching from Kent to Cornwall to speak with commercial fishers about their experiences of fishing for non-quota species (NQS, also known as non-pressure stocks) – and their aspirations for future management of these …

Drop-in sessions on planning for demersal non quota fisheries

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We are hosting a series of engagement sessions with fishers to kickstart conversations on development a Fisheries Management Plan (FMP) for demersal non quota stocks in the Channel. These events are just the start of our programme of engagement with …