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Mayflower Pontoons provide new base for charter and recreational anglers in Plymouth

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Group stood on pontoon gangway cutting a ribbon to open the Mayflower Pontoon in Plymouth

Cattewater Harbour Commissioners (CHC) has officially opened of the Mayflower Pontoons, an extension to the Barbican Landing Stage (BLS) facilities in Plymouth. Supported by a £150,000 grant awarded through MMO's Fisheries and Seafood Scheme, this project improves the port infrastructure …

“The Last Custodians” a short movie by FaSS recipients Lyme Bay Fisherman’s CIC

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MMO is delighted to share the latest news story from Lyme Bay Fisherman’s CIC, who just unveiled an insightful short film on the untold stories of inshore fishing. At the beginning of 2023 a group of 50 small scale inshore fisherman …

Protecting our diverse and valuable seabird species

Little gull in flight

Have you ever been asked to name a UK seabird on the spot? Seagulls probably come to mind first, right? Or maybe you think about those charismatic puffins or bustling ‘seabird cities’ of guillemots.  We’re actually home to some of …

Help shape assessments to ensure harbour porpoise and marine birds are protected

Little tern flock in flight

Can you believe it’s a brand-new year already?  Only last month we launched our latest call for evidence on the impacts of fishing on five English offshore marine protected areas (MPAs). These are the ones designated to protect certain highly …

Complete our surveys for your say on two key Fisheries Management Plans

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We have launched two short surveys to enable stakeholders with an interest in skates and rays in the English Channel and Southern North Sea or demersal non-quota species in the Southern North Sea to give us their views on the …

Marine Planners from the Marine Management Organisation visit the Isles of Scilly

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We were recently invited to attend the Festival of Nature on the Isles of Scilly to discuss marine planning and marine plan use with event attendees. The event was led by the Isles of Scilly Wildlife Trust and was aimed …

Scientific dispensation request granted for King Scallop fishing trial

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Scallop fishing

MMO has granted a scientific dispensation to MacDuff Shellfish Ltd to carry out a two day scallop fishing trial off the South East coast of England. The trial will take place in October 2023 and test the feasibility and potential …

Fish traceability technology examined

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Marine Management Organisation (MMO) is keen to investigate technological advances that can improve consumer confidence in seafood products while also  reducing administration  for fishers, merchants, processors and retailers. Being able to trace consignments of commercially caught fish is critical to …