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The Statement of Public Participation (SPP) for the East marine plans has been revised

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Mel Nicholls, Senior Marine Planner, outlines the revisions

It is important that people have opportunities to get involved in the preparation of marine plans for areas in which they live, work or have an interest.  The Statement of Public Participation (SPP) describes how and when the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) provides these opportunities and what we will do with the views and opinions expressed.

The SPP for the East marine plans was first published in April 2011.  In accordance with the Marine and Coastal Access Act the SPP is wholly concerned with plan production up to adoption by the Secretary of State.  With the adoption of the East marine plans in 2014 the focus of work has moved to implementation and monitoring.  As a consequence the SPP needed to be revised to update the “Implementation, Monitoring and Review” section by clarifying that the details for stakeholder engagement for those phases will be held in other documents than the SPP such as the Implementation and Monitoring Plan.

This third revision includes brief details on Implementation, Monitoring and Review in Table 1 for completeness together with minor changes in view of the adoption of the plans and updated formatting.

If anyone needs to discuss the implementation of the East marine plans they should contact the MMO’s Implementation Officers based in the area:

The Statement of Public Participation and the East marine plans can be viewed at the links.

More information on the Marine Management Organisation can be found here: Website | Twitter | Facebook | LinkedIn

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